Before Your Visit

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You can help your group tour to run more smoothly by preparing your visitors. For those who have never visited a museum before, it is a good idea to discuss the visit before-hand to give the group an idea of what to expect, as well as an idea of what is expected of them.

Please be aware that no food, drinks, umbrellas or backpacks are allowed in the galleries. Pens are also not allowed in the galleries: if you are planning on a writing activity, please bring enough pencils for each visitor.

We encourage teachers to visit the Museum, if possible, prior to bringing a school group. By previewing the exhibit, teachers can focus their tour to more fully integrate the experience into their curriculum. Also, in seeing the space, teachers can better plan for any problems or special considerations that might arise.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Related Material

How To Read Exhibit Labels (PDF)
Museum Manners (PDF)