The Global Lens:Large-Scale Photographs by Dominic Chavez

Dominic Chavez: The Global Lens

Throughout his twenty-one year career Boston-based photographer Dominic Chavez has traveled the globe documenting some of the most challenging of human conditions. Chavez demonstrates an exceptional ability to reveal elements of beauty amidst grim circumstances through his compassionate manner and technical expertise. His work portrays the depth of the human spirit and straddles both photojournalism and fine art photography, shedding light on the complexity of issues encountered by people around the globe. Chavez has recorded the effects of war in Colombia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Angola, the AIDS crisis facing the nations of Africa, and a wide variety of global health issues. His most recent project documents the lack of clean water in Sierra Leone and other locations throughout Africa. “The best way to tell a story as an artist is to combine your craft with the passion in your heart. It would be a crime to tell a story with only craft and no heart. It would also be a crime to tell a story with only heart and no craft.”

Dominic Chavez’s professional career includes positions at the Denver Post and most recently the Boston Globe. His work has been nationally recognized with many awards including the Kaiser Family Foundations’ Media Fellowship as well as the Pictures of the Year competition. Chavez has produced six books and his photographs have been shown internationally including exhibitions in Senegal, China and London.

Chavez - Sierra Leone Water Issues
Sierra Leone , 2011