Sean Beavers

Sean Beavers

Sean Beaver’s self-described, symbolist paintings evoke a deceptive sense of hyperrealism integrated with alluring allegorical tendencies. His work reflects the 20th century move away from direct representation in art toward a more conceptual motivation for imagery.

Intended to “deceive the eye,” Beaver’s work reflects more than the physical qualities of the subject matter portrayed. His hypnotic paintings embrace intensely personal, and potentially obscure, references that echo “dreams, desires, frustrations, spirit, emotions, whatever I’m thinking about at the time.” Through his attention to detail and the power of illusion, Beaver’s paintings tease our perception of reality, creating a sense of place that is both familiar and unknown at the same time. Sean Beavers resides in York, Maine.

Sean Beavers
Evening Voluta, 2006
Oil on canvas, on panel