A Bit of Colored Ribbon Works by John Bailly

A Bit of Colored Ribbon Works by John Bailly

John Bailly’s mixed media compositions examine the relationship of place and time, and also the artist’s growing suspicion about the legitimacy of information in current society. His densely layered compositions include a barrage of seemingly unrelated visual images that illustrate his belief that perception is subjective. These works reflect “the chaotic nature of data and information,” and the constant stream of images prevalent in our fast-paced world.

Among the diverse subjects in Bailly’s works are depictions of cities derived from ancient maps. These are sites that have been either decisive in shaping world history, conquered culturally or militarily, or which were literally destroyed. Juxtaposed with the maps are illustrations of military battles, images derived from anatomy books, and directional arrows that represent troop movements.

A Bit of Colored Ribbon, which refers to a statement by Napoleon on national pride, reflects upon the notion that people will go to extreme measures, even conflict and war, to preserve their sense of cultural identity. The exhibition also includes a selection from the artist’s Place of Mind series, which is the result of a collaboration with critically acclaimed poet Richard Blanco.



John Bailly.2007.Epersy