Meditations – A Retrospective: MaJo Keleshian

September 20 – December 28, 2024

MaJo Keleshian once said, “Landscape-related imagery has been a strong influence in my work — elements from nature not of nature. It is the “near” view that most intrigues me.” The artwork presented here in Meditations: A Retrospective highlights the nature-inspired abstract artworks that exude texture and mood. From striking black and white prints that demonstrate the artist’s skills in printmaking to the more subtle and evocative works on paper that use a media combination that Keleshian created to evoke the spirit of an internal state.  

The artist’s dedication to Buddhism and its contemplative nature are apparent in her compositions. Keleshian once noted, “I’m looking for ways to suggest a moment in the landscape, to simulate aspects of it.” The artist developed her own distinct process for creating work and described the process as, “applying layers of color, adding gestural marks, rubbing away surfaces, working very freely for the initial stage of the process.” Keleshian loved using beeswax in her work. These luminescent artworks reflect a fleeting moment in time. 

The retrospective approach of this exhibit illustrates the evolution of Keleshian’s comprehensive career. A unifying thread that connects the artist’s work is her mark making, whether tiny scratches or robust brushstrokes. These works capture the impermanence of moments and display the endless source of exploration of Keleshian’s creative practice. 

MAJO KELESHIAN (American, 1945 – 2023). Copper Drift, no date. Encaustic on panel. Gift of the Estate of MaJo Keleshian, 2023.8.6
MAJO KELESHIAN (American, 1945 – 2023). Cancellation, no date. Encaustic on panel. Gift of the Estate of MaJo Keleshian, 2023.8.4