Michael Crouser: Dog Run Candice Ivy: Honey from the Belly of the Lion
Multi-media artist Candice Ivy presents a unique, site-specific installation in UMMA’s Zillman Gallery. In Honey from the Belly of the Lion the artist incorporates both video and sculptural elements to create an immersive, sensory experience
for viewers.
Ivy’s ongoing interest in documenting the environment and natural processes is reflected in two video compositions that capture the movement of bees and koi. Ivy comments that the installation “emerges out of an exploration of the balance found within systems of organization.”
Candice Ivy lives in the Boston area and teaches at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design and Wellesley College, where she is also the Director of the Jewett Gallery. She received her BFA in Fine Arts from Coker College, Hartsville, SC and her MFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts/Tufts University, Boston.
Ivy’s multi-media works have been shown both nationally and internationally including the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston, SC; and in the Sguardi Sonori Festival in Venice, Italy. In 2012, she constructed site-specific installations for the McColl Center for Visual Art, Charlotte, NC; Urban Occupations Urbaines in Montreal, Canada; and for the Taipei Artist Village’s Barry Gallery, Taiwan.

Honey from the Belly of the Lion, 2012
Installation incorporating video and sculptural elements
Courtesy of the artist